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Website and Internet Usage Policy

Date of last revision: October 9, 2023

This Policy applies to all users including, but not limited to, MediCard employees accessing MediCard Corporate Website and/or MediCard Internet.

In its commitment to secure privacy and protection of users’ personal data in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012, MediCard will only collect personal data with users’ consent. Users should read and understand MediCard’s Privacy Statement and End-User License Agreement upon using this site.

Users must be aware that they might be sharing personal data to MediCard the moment they submit their inquiries or requests. MediCard considers that users consent to the collection of such data upon confirming MediCard’s Consent Notice when they entered this site. MediCard forms which requires personal data to be collected includes a separate consent.

MediCard uses Analytics like Google Analytics and Meta Business Suite, third-party services, to analyze the web traffic data for MediCard. This service uses cookies. Data generated is not shared by MediCard with any other party.

For users’ privacy and protection, only authorized MediCard personnel has access to personal data. Data is stored in a database which conforms to the requirement of local laws and regulations. After user’s inquiries and requests are acted upon, physical records shall be disposed of through shredding, while digital files shall be anonymized. To know more on how MediCard collects, uses, stores or retains, disposes of or secures personal data, including data subject’s rights, please visit MediCard’s Privacy Statement on this site.

Users acknowledge that the use of MediCard Website and/or its Internet is a privilege granted by MediCard in its endeavor to provide prompt and quality service. Thus, it can be revoked by MediCard at any time.

MediCard does not tolerate unacceptable use of MediCard Website and/or its Internet. MediCard considers the following acts as unacceptable use:

  • sending or posting discriminatory, harassing, or threatening messages or images on the Corporate Website or via MediCard’s email service;
  • using MediCard computers to perpetrate any form of fraud, and/or any form of piracy;
  • stealing, using, or disclosing someone else’s password without authorization;
  • pirating software and unauthorized downloading or copying of electronic files that are copyrighted by MediCard;
  • hacking into unauthorized websites;
  • introducing malicious software onto the company network and/or jeopardizing the security of MediCard’s electronic communications systems;
  • sending or posting chain letters, solicitations, or advertisements not related to business purposes or activities;
  • falsely representing a person or thing with intent to defraud MediCard or any of its employees or customers;
  • sharing confidential material, trade secrets, or proprietary information by MediCard employees outside of the MediCard organization;
  • sending or posting by MediCard employees of information that is defamatory to MediCard, its products/services, colleagues and/or customers.

Any act of unacceptable use is deemed a violation of this Policy and shall be dealt with in accordance with the administrative sanction of MediCard if violator is a MediCard employee or appropriate legal action for any user of the Website and/or Internet.

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